Sept. 14, 2023

Work Ethic

Work Ethic

In our opening chatter we talk about what's been happening since we last recorded. What’s on Our Timeline? Comes from our friend in our head. He goes by Kenny Anse on the gram, but we know him as Kenny Williams, It's from a piece that he actually wrote for Insider's Business about the new standard of work and what we should be expecting and really just getting from these jobs that we work every day.. For Let’s Talk Through It, we have letters from two of our friends. Our first friend learned that the grass isn’t greener on the other side after leaving her job because it was boring for a job that gave her a lot more work for the same amount of money and now wants to ask her old boss for her old job back.. Our other friend retired from the military and became a franchisee of a food chain. While she loves being in charge of my own future is beginning to regret this decision because it's almost impossible to retain employees. Be sure to listen to hear what we learned this week and be motivated for the week to come. Until we meet again. Pray! Work! Slay! And Show Off Your Melanated Excellence!

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Oh That’s Deep Black Women Conversations
In our opening chatter we talk about what's been happening since we last recorded. What’s on Our Timeline? Comes from our friend in our head. He goes by Kenny Anse on the gram, but we know him as Kenny Williams, It's from a piece that he actually wrote for Insider's Business about the new standard of work and what we should be expecting and really just getting from these jobs that we work every day.. For Let’s Talk Through It, we have letters from two of our friends. Our first friend learned that the grass isn’t greener on the other side after leaving her job because it was boring for a job that gave her a lot more work for the same amount of money and now wants to ask her old boss for her old job back.. Our other friend retired from the military and became a franchisee of a food chain. While she loves being in charge of my own future is beginning to regret this decision because it's almost impossible to retain employees. Be sure to listen to hear what we learned this week and be motivated for the week to come. Until we meet again. Pray! Work! Slay! And Show Off Your Melanated Excellence!